Мне не понравился молодой гельбус, так что я нарисовал их более книжных, но с упором на внешности молодых Лоу и Деппа🤷🏻‍♂️

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7 26

“you and grindelwald were as close as brothers.”


371 1198

Calling all aspiring sleuths! Episode 16 of examines the mysteries of "Harry Potter" and its similarities to detective fiction, with a focus on Dumbledore's multiple roles. https://t.co/6lt4N825IQ

6 20

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore Fantastic Beasts
I'm creating a fantastic beasts stickers pack 😁 waiting for it's premiere 😱🙌

0 2

"You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us?" – Dumbledore

335 1180

Another set of my HP paintings. The 3rd year. Doing new paintings of FB2 now. Looking forward to the coming movie!

2 2

We love sassy Dumbledore! 🐍 by floccinaucinihilipilificationa

137 493