1. Favourite Royal Knight, LordKightmon
2.Favourite Demon Lord, Belzebumon
3.Favourite Olimpus, Marsmon
4. Favourite Bantyo, BantyoLilimon https://t.co/JFjeaPWzda

10 29

Hi there! I'm Lilimonada. I'm from 🇲🇽 I'm a freelance illustrator! With a passion for sparkles and bright colors.

You can check my work here!

8 27

ClearAgumon and BanchoLilimon were added to the Reference Book!!

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HD images of Clear Agumon and Bancho Lilimon

12 57

The Digimon Reference Book has been updated with profiles for Clear Agumon and Bancho Lilimon, bringing the total to 1055!

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Divemon, Shroudmon and Climon

( .w.) im still here

49 148

is literally the coolest look what she made for me on my stream today I love you Limon you cyka
ALSO polka isn’t racist to be clear limon is just mean to me

1 2

Limon, are you that desperate to use the Blizzard Fang sprites? Yes, yes I am.

Frozomon pallet and body type just seem to fit so well here...

0 8

かぐやんさんGM獣語Ⅲ話『スターチス【Limonium sinuatum】』お疲れ様でした!

0 2

Finished working on this piece of my character Limoncello🍋 They're a crackhead, low intelligence bard who used to be a circus Hippogriff✨

1 11

Omg i love this game and Limon i hate you 🔪

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Been messing around with what kind of hairstyles my girls would have in splat 3. I love mixing my own ideas with canon too! Here is Splat 3 Anne, Limon and Citrus!

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