画質 高画質

Oi, sou o Guga
Faço fanarts, ocs, desafios, sorteios e encomendas
Um dia pretendo transformar isso no meu trabalho pra valer
Gostaria de pedir uma ajuda, se não for muito
Aqui alguns dos meus melhores trabalhos
Espero que gostem👉👈

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Essa guria aqui
Ela se chama Valeria Diane Nico e é minha representação kskkk
criei em 2017 e já passou por MUITAAAS adaptações

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PL/PC うにみちゃん、とん子/漣 ヒスイ、Valerion・E・Lionel///立ち絵順


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Thank you so much for the chance!
I'd be thrilled to see my girl Valery in your style :>

Good luck to everyone!

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The Enchanted Lake by Sinéad de Valera has always been a favourite! Parents in Ireland will recall their own childhood where they read such stories as 'The Jewel of Truth' and 'The Mountain Wolf'. A new edition has illustrations by Alexis Sierra.

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Pour le coup le catalogue de est assez varié ! Survival game, baston, thriller, chevaleresque, tout ce que j'aime !

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Buongiorno Valeria, buon settembre e

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Rodents by Valerie Greeley

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FF (1998) by Claremont & Larocca
Claremont writes a damn good F4, its crazy, all over the place and has great characterization. Valerias 1st appearance is here.
FF (1998) by Pacheco & Loeb
Fun little arc, a good lead in before Waid

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Hace tiempo que no dibujo en digital así que para volver a acostumbrarme y tal me he puesto a dibujar ocs (y así de paso tengo referencias para ellos)

Valerija Rostova 🇱🇹

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La mini-série "Inferno" écrite par Jonathan Hickman et illustrée par Valerio Schiti, Stefano Caselli, R.B. Silva et David Curiel paraîtra en octobre chez .

Source :

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今日のお題 / Today's prompt
> エイル / Aeleen
> オーレイン / Aurien
> ヴァレリオ / Valerio

ルール / Rules

Beginners welcome!

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