画質 高画質

🎨 Tintoretto, "The Presentation of the Virgin", 1553-56

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「ephemeral〜少女たちの領域 2017」展於みうらじろうギャラリー。 Amy Crehore、Virginia Mori、上田風子ほか好きなアーティストの作品が並びとても楽しめた。少女の狂気と少年の狂気は違う。当たり前の話だが女性アーティストが少女を描くとそれがよく解る。

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【NEWS】10/25(水)発売予定『Virgin~わたしのはじめて~ Vol.1 有貴』(CV:土門 熱)サンプルボイス第2弾を公開致しました。是非ご視聴下さいませ。https://t.co/E33xKFAnX8

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Progress on poses: Made
Progress on lighting: Still needs practice.

Are Virgin Killer sweaters good for people with wings???? I'd say so.

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Continuing -- The Earth Elemental with bonus Virgin Killer Sweater! It was hard to make Earth into Cute!

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kaisar with hair down is my thing and virgin soul spoiled me with that

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This is really please call me if you meet him! What? Do you want my by Sara Virginia.

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New artwork for sale! - "A Virginia river sunset" - https://t.co/Zji0rO4Ug7

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season 2 has finally ended and even if season 1 was 10x better, it was fun


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oc, tamyuun! virgin killer sweaters look cozy.

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