画質 高画質


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2015.2.7に描いたお小夜見つけたので載せちゃう 今描くお小夜より昔描いたお小夜の方が目つきが悪い…

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Parasyte X Santa Cruz- 2015...I think

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Hoping everyone enjoyed their longh weekend :) Todays is titled "Liberté" by an artist from Kamouraska.
Je pense, donc je suis. -Rene Descartes
Liberté. Acrylic on Canvas. 2015. 48x48"

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Recolored my piece from 2015. I like it all vibrant like this a lot more. 😍

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today marks 3 years of me being self employed. i have no idea how long i can continue doing this for, but know i feel incredibly grateful every day. here is some of my favourite work from 2015.

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2015. 3. 22 ~ 2018. 5. 17

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2015.04.15 - 2018.04.15

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~Night thief~
Got some Sonic X vibes while drawing this and I don't know why.
I wanted to draw my old Rouge redesign that I made back in 2015. Only made slight adjustments to it but it isn't noticeable.

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Unrelated to the game, found some Paintstorm doodles I made back in 2015. Might as well tweet them before they get swallowed by Oblivion (and right click-empty recycle bin).

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Revamped my old scarf boy from like, 2015. He was my boy who expressed his emotions thru his scarf tails

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I've been waiting for tonight's episode since I first drew these two in, according to tumblr, October 2015.

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イラストレーション by sukesan
⑦Kanako.s ポストカード
2015.4.24 2nd anniversary liveに作成
父の病院のお花畑にて おばちゃんの笑顔(^o^)

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I haven't Drawn Warriors fan-art for long time... . I should do a re-draw of my favorite piece I have done in 2015. I wonder how a re-draw would look like now.... Ha.. Gotta love Jayfeather. ♡ He is my fav.

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오늘은 네이버 완결웹툰 ' 언더프린 ' 의 정식연재 10주년 되는 날입니다! 축하합니다!!🎉🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉 (2008.05.02~2015.06.17)

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