画質 高画質

Congratulations on reaching that milestone 👏

And thanks for the art share
Name's Shadow Ultima. Beginner digital artist and looking to get into comics and Manga

Mutuals, Pass the baton and follow up!

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post four of your favorite fictional characters and let your mutuals psychoanalyze you https://t.co/uB6tCnOtb0

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post four of your favorite characters and let your mutuals psychoanalyze you https://t.co/LCZvfvKIUd

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Post four of your favorite fictional characters and let your mutuals psychoanalyze you https://t.co/SnbR9UAilh

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one of my fav mutuals, great music taste AND headcannons. good old buddy pal 😼💪 happy valentines day 😌

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hi im mals im a growing artist who loves to draw girls & anime/manga !!! i love fashion, making jewelry, and indie rock / kpop music.... i also love making comics / zines ^^ im looking for art mutuals <3

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That doesn't make their opinion any less valid I've seen 4 of my mutuals have complaints about the game and as someone who love the game ya know what I say when I see it nothing. Idgaf if they don't like the game or the version of pete. I respect it cause they respect my opinion

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Aún que interactuamos poco, eres de mis mutuals favs, también eres de las mejores cosas que me pasaron el año pasado y te tengo mucho aprecio, me ayudaste cuando lo necesitaba y es algo que te voy a agradecer toda mi perra vida, gracias por mucho y perdón por tan poco owowowo

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Post four of your favorite fictional characters and let your mutuals psychoanalyze you

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context: one of my mutuals got a high quality promo render of Dr. Scratchansniff from the original Animaniacs show and I made it transparent; the version on the right was previously the highest quality version available until now

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Mutuals I wanna see whatcha working on air whatcha did with art. Lemme peep the good shit. I’ll show ya this for now.

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Post four of your favorite fictional characters and let your mutuals psychoanalyze you. https://t.co/0iDXsWvtQJ

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my fellow black artists/mutuals draw whatever tf you want !! https://t.co/oCGL06j8xp

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"Post four of your favorite fictional characters and let your mutuals psychoanalyze you" https://t.co/sRnq18Y3G4

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deberiamos de interactuar más pero aun así eres de mis mutuals favs gracias por ser una ranita rockstar conmigo y por aceptarme aunque sea tauro, tqm eli hay q recuperarnos juntes de los mommy issues

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Post four of your favorite fictional characters and let your mutuals psychoanalyze you! https://t.co/LOxI7YXdef

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"Post four of your favorite fictional characters and let your mutuals psychoanalyze you" I cheated I know. https://t.co/tEQD3E7qS9

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