There's hope for us all (if you've got a spare $50m...) At 3pm today, 90, goes into space to be IRL.

Shown: "My God, it's full of stars" by Visage de Collage. Original paper

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🚀And speaking of Captain Kirk in Outer Space..."Who's that knock at my door?"🎨Joe Heller🚀#CaptainJamesTiberiusKirk

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Have a great Sunday! 🖖#StarTrek

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should get to making this version of Clue! Complete with these cool Clue cards with a sci-fi magnifying glass!

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Now lets move to the Vulcan Cruiser "Sh'Vhal" a new type of Vulcan ship which takes design inspiration from the D'kyr type vulcan cruiser.

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Here is my first piece of I’m sure there is already plans to put out versions of these guys but I had 2 c what may look like as a pop fig.

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Based on that post featuring the other ship shirts - Zero wearing t-shirt because why not?

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