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🖌️Vie Dunn Harr (American Painter Born in San Antonio, Texas, US in 1953)

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Antonio Salieri is the poster child for it.

Did he actually kill Mozart? Probably not. But lots of people think he did, and it warped his spirit 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧

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Here's Antonio The Hedgehog, he's actually the part of Hedgehog but he's likes to make good friends 😄

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"La joven Antonia" hand made oil painting, 1/1.

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Equipo Crónica was a Spanish artistic group founded in 1964 by three Valencian painters: Manolo Valdés, Rafael Solbes and Juan Antonio Toledo.

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nació Pieter Coecke van Aelst, pintor neerlandés -
Las tentaciones de San Antonio.

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. asked me for help designing a fursona and i couldn't say no! meet Antoni!

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Читает младшему брату сказку))

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Dibujo de Francia usando vestidos de la época donde María Antonieta fue reina de Francia UwU.

Rip por mi espalda, pero valió la pena XD Alguien detengame por qué capaz soy de hacer a uk, vestido con ropa victoriana o España de esas épocas

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Antonina Leonardovna Rzhevskaya, née Popova

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Antonio Salieri was jealous of Mozart because Mozart was a genius and he wasn't. This may explain why Disney hasn't greenlighted an Alita sequel. Alita: Battle Angel was such a great movie it made the Disney movies that year look bad. Disney, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

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Você conhece Yolande de Polastron(Polignac)?
Ela era uma pessoa que vivia na mesma época que Maria Antonieta.
Ela é a mulher mais bonita do site world🇫🇷

Desejo-lhes o melhor em seus esforços futuros.

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¿Conoce a Yolande de Polastron(Polignac)?
Fue una persona que vivió en la misma época que María Antonieta.
Es la mujer más bella del mundo🇫🇷

Le deseo lo mejor en sus futuros proyectos.

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Mi scusi.

Conosce Yolande de Polastron (Polignac)?
Era una persona vissuta nella stessa epoca di Maria Antonietta.
È la donna più bella del mondo🇫🇷

Ti auguro tutto il meglio per le tue imprese future.

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It there is hope...It's called the (Taskmaster Protocol)
If it's a protocol, there must be a another or the real version.
I want.. Release the real, an American man named Tony Masters as a Mandarin case.
antonia is victim. not a villain.

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antonio and alma thing coming along
the antonio brainworms still going strong

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