Celebrate Day like is always there to help his friends!

9 11

Celebrate Day like spreads cheer & positivity to those around her!

15 15

Celebrate Day like shares with those in need!

10 9

Thanks and for sharing your care with us!

5 7

is a co-founder of (w/#NobleHeartHorse), & luvs all the &

4 15

It's so the are sending you this big Because!

12 26

As the day turns off the light, it's off to for the night!

7 11

Sept 9 is Day! Stay tuned for more info and ways we all can celebrate!

10 9

Michael Bay still hasn't made a Care Bears movie. But it will happen eventually.

0 0

"It's so here's ours: Q: What is as big as a bear but weighs nothing?
A: Its shadow!

2 5

You can soar when you're surrounded by

7 12

It's What books are on your reading list?

4 9

Never miss an opportunity to change your point of view!

9 14

Quiz! Who can name the colors of all the petals on

2 4

Life is more colorful w/#friends! Give a shout out to yours below!

8 6

What are you doing with your this

7 14