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Results from the first #FossilFishWeek #paleostream!
Dunkleosteus, Hyneria, Saurodon and Hensodon!
#paleoart #fish #sketches #sciart #placoderms #scicomm #cretaceous #pycnodonts
"I'm looking for someone. Why, you ask? So I can kill him, of course." #CodeRealize #AbrahamVanHelsing @MY_MURMUR @iantweeting #FridayFeeling #VisualNovel #Otome
#FossilFishWeek offers today:
Qarmoutus, Protosphyraena, Piranhamesodon and Stensioella.
#paleoart #fish #catfish #placoderms #sketches #paleostream
Free Cardia's sticker is officially unlocked 💞
#OtomeArmada #Coderealize
Game: Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~
By: Aksysgames
Language: English (Japanese voice)
For Nintendo Switch
Release: Feb 25
Website: https://t.co/CTjNnp8sV1
PV: https://t.co/jTTKColdbt
Shop: https://t.co/xX4BDmsr66
#CodeRealize #Otomegame #romance #ENG
Always remember to show some love to your Willy!👍❤️😊🖍️😜🎨
#manicminer #jetsetwilly #willy #RETROGAMING #zxspectrum #commodore #c64 #AmstradCPC #bbcmicro #8bitcoders #notalgia #gameart #80s #bugbyte #softwareprojects #8bit #artwork #gamer #retro #rogertissyman #bobwakelin
The Static Shock episode "Fallen Hero" debuted on this day (Feb. 7) back in 2004! "Fallen Hero" is such a strong episode from start to finish, and that decoder ring gag still gets me a little misty-eyed. Arguably the best of the Static crossovers! #StaticShock #DCAU #GreenLantern
Hi! Shadew here! I'm coder for the Midnight and some mods from @dodogangmods, and for a variety of personal projects I keep forgetting about. I'm also an artist (kinda), both 2d and 3d art. I mostly post random things though.
Come join me: https://t.co/bzYYfnpaRB
Small gallery:
35 years ago this month one of the C64's biggest disappointments hit the shops. The official Back to the Future game was a dismal affair and was awarded just 32% by ZZAP!64. Thankfully coder Martin Walker went on to much better things.
Dunkleosteus terreli. Gran pez carnívoro acorazado del Devónico que estuvo en la cima de la cadena alimentaria de su época. Como otros placodermos, estaba parcialmente cubierto por una coraza ósea. Sus dientes en forma de cuchilla eran de hueso y poesía una potente mordida.
It’s my girl! Pose study I got too invested in, based on “Clio’s Dream” by Coderch & Malavia
#hades #HadesGame #Artemis #HadesFanArt