oizinho! sou a Fades e faço arte tradicional e digital ❤️
Também sou dona de uma lojinha: https://t.co/8lMQjyGPji

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When a shape loses form and the meaning fades away, is it still a person? Like a lopsided wheel, or an uneven gear, the systems fall apart. What's the worth of the broken piece? You can find it in disposal.

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I'm sure this has been done before, but drawing for me is my happy place, no matter what's going on in the world, as soon as I put pencil to paper, it fades away.

Here I can do anything I want and fix any problems I have.

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- Fades in -

Have some Macro dick

- Fades out -

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elegance is the only beauty that never fades

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they say love fades when curiosity stops, but what if the love died before the curiosity could begin?

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The Akihiko/Ugetsu separation is clearly heartbreaking,they animated the last moment of Ugetsu crying with his point of view,when Akihiko is walking away we are watching the scene through his sight and the screen becomes blurry and fades away as tears fill his eyes

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(She laughs and a golden glow radiates from her form, blinding the two men for a moment.
When it fades she is in her 3rd ascension, elbow propped against her new and improved camera.)

Be sure to strike a lovely pose!
I am thinking.../dynamic/!
Daring! Something sporty!

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Quarantine hairstyles. Haven’t had my hair this long for 7 years. It feels weird and annoying to have my hair all over my face 🥵 though I love how my hair color fades. And I’m torn between cutting it and seeing how long it’ll grow. Lmao.

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"Be not afraid."

A greeting.

"Until the last star fades."

A promise.

"Nothing inside but light."

A friend.

(Ilais has received its ref sheet! HUGE thanks to for taking this on and knocking it out with high quality super fast. I'm glad to call her a friend. 💖)

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another icon comm!! it fades too

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where'd her smile and optimism go..... mayb u can find out by becoming a patreon............... oooooooooooooooo................................... (fades into nonexistence)

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gay people? they do this cover (ive never even heard an ia/teto duet before) and then right at that last picture the song pauses and then you just hear SEKAAAAI DE and it fades out

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OC Appreciation post: Miriel Edition!

A confident, strong gal. Unusually tall at 1.92m (6'3"), she often carries a powerful, if not intimidating presence. However that quickly fades once you get to know her. She's really just a funloving dork.

Yrdina's wife.

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has to be you, the one who fades has to be you
Let’s put a wreath on those withering memories
Has to be me, the one who stays has to be me
Buy our now worn out spring

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No te me enfades ;-; yo te necesito como el aire que respiro -se muere-

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- Now the pain fades! But there, persists a song... a song which calls to me! A song... which I... cannot resist!

The Sub-Mariner (1968) (w) Roy Thomas (a) Sal Buscema (i) Joe Gaudioso

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🌻 Te deja dinero sin esperar que se lo devuelvas
🌻 Hermano pequeño del grupo
🌻 Organizador de planes
🌻 No pilla las bromas
🌻 Amigo conciliador
🌻 Psicologo oficial del equipo
🌻 Legalmente tiene prohibido decir palabrotas
🌻 No le enfades. En serio.

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Fire Keeper- Dark Souls

"The First Flame quickly fades.
Darkness will shortly settle.
But one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness.
Like embers, linked by lords past."

"Ashen one, hearest thou my voice, still?"

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