Small doodle of the mascot of my school's confession page

shes a smug hexagon loving eyebag fang loli that looks a lot like a re-skin version of Kaheru

I'll draw a proper art of her next time when I have more free time

13 99

st4 虹夜パレッド [Hexagon]

0 1

The Hexagon Pavilion, designed by Ramón Vázquez Molezún & José Antonio Corrales Gutiérrez for the 1958 Expo in Brussels (rebuilt in Madrid in 1959), will finally be restored.

La resurección del Pabellón de los hexágonos, un edificio que es como un mecano

0 20


- A THREAD (bonus thread)

Beberapa bentuk2 benda di alam, jika kita amati lebih cermat, cenderung membentuk pola HEXAGON
Why? Apa yang membuatnya seperti itu? Apakah makna semua ini? Apakah alam seorang Matematikawan? Mitoskah?


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Braveland Trilogy, jeu de stratégie au tour par tour se jouant sur un terrain fait de tuiles hexagonales, est dispo sur Nintendo Switch :

1 3

March I liked the Ecoline liquid watercolor and LOVED playing with the brush pen. The Kingart pen was nice- I turned it into watercolor in some of the hexagons. I liked both pencils and the special pin made me happy!

0 11

I know it's a meme by now, but i had to include some edges, spikes, blades, thorns & hexagons.

1 3

Some hematite. The hexagonal plates fascinate me.

0 2

次のWinteHexagonはブルー系です( ◜௰◝ )

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st1 Smiling [Hexagon] ハード
st1 ひよっ子サンタと雪の街 [クリスマスの悪夢] ハード
st3 Drop Down [stand alone] イージー
st1 Titanomaquia -Genocide- ノマゲ

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And last but not least: my version of the Pentagon - Zona - with Hexagon powers.

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of the day -

boxes all from a

I hope you all have a fab next week!

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A variety of 2D tessellations are revealed by slicing a 3D tessellation of cubes, including the regular triangle tessellation and a semi-regular tessellation of hexagons and triangles.

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Houdini : transformer des hexagones en diagramme Voronoi animé

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