Fanart for iichigoneko on Instagram, I'm still really struggling with shading white or light colors in general, so sorry if it looks weird asdfgh

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"It's so beautiful when the first snowflakes fall!~"

Finished drawing with my new eye style! Hope you like uvu

1 8

Badge comission for Moy, hope you like it and thanks for waiting. Remember you could help me sharing and following!

1 3

A gift for my friend of her new cute boy, Sheru :3
I hope you like it úvù

(Wanted to finish it faster but school said no ;-;)

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Tried out a other shading method for the hair, don’t know if I stick with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (drawing is a bit rushed sry)

2 8

One more adopt!
- $15 or 1500 DA points

☂️Payment by paypal or deviantart
☂️When you buy you get a shadowless version with a name of your choice

5 20

Didn't posted it here yet, but here's the finished drawing!

Love the pose and anatomy!~ (+The infla watermelon slice is just 👌👌👌👌)

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Commissions for 🌸💫
I struggled a lot with feral anatomy but had fun with the backgrounds! Hope you like it ❤️

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Raffle prizes for and 💙🌸There was an another winner but their account is locked/changed username so just 2!

Hope you both like it!

3 12

Art trade with 💖
Better late than never eh? :')) Hope you like it! What a cute dude, the design was so original and fun aaa

2 11