main protag jack from 'harvest moon: a wonderful life: has one of the cutest hairstyles tbh 😳

17 74

So I love Ann's new design in Story of Seasons FoMT, haven't drawn any video game characters in a while so here's Ann!

1 3

Have mercy on me I’m not familiar with apple products, GarageBand or music composition:
of my OC Sapphire’s theme song. She is a piano teacher in Forget me not Valley & musician for the valley and Mineral Town.
Art by

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Another 4 Review Cards for 'buy-curious' gamers who want quick glances at the latest/biggest games! Enjoy~⭐️

And for the FULL Reviews:

2 8

i put a lot of love into these cuz i love them :') ❤

109 286

from mineral town remake which is out in Japan but not translated yet into English! 😭 Ahhhhh waiting is so difficult!

11 26

Farmer on a smoothie date with Ludus!

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There were some major rehauls in some of the character designs for the Friends of Mineral Town remake. I tried putting the old Carter in the new Carter's outfit.

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