Thank you for all the sweet memories technoblade, you will not be forgotten… blood for the blood god!!

rest easy my king 💗

18 148

Thank you for all of the memories you gave us, been such an honour to know the Blood God.

1 6

Rest well, Blood god.

Me and thousands of others will miss you greatly.

568 7114

“ long nerds..”
[Rest In Peace Technoblade]
[i‘m feeling sad that i watch his last video..
he’s my favorite youtuber in minecraft, and he is awesome, smart, kind and funny, so that’s why i drew it]

0 8

ascended to take on the Kingdom of God.


1858 23969

Thank you for being with me that night, thank you for being the older brother that I needed, the memory of your laugh will live in my heart, rest in peace King ♡

51 474

Rest in piece Techno, I hope where ever you are your thriving, along with your family -your all amazing. Thank you for the laughs and all of your videos.

1 12

I still can't believe that this really happened, it's an immense pain, I wish strength to all friends and family, rest in peace Technoblade...

3 21

I can't find the words, how much pain i feel right now..
My comfort cc is gone... I... I feel.. So dead.. I miss him...
Legends never die...

132 2547

We love you Techno, thanks for everything <3

2 9

technoblade never dies for he shall forever be remebered...

rest in peace, blood god

1 15

“I’m an atheist, but, when God sends me to Hell I want him to hesitate okay?” You deserved more life, you were so young. Younger than me. It doesn't feel real.

5 14

Rest easy, Technoblade.

You'll always live forever in our hearts and memories.

1 6

"To the day has come when we are no longer together, you will continue shine like gold in my memories" goodnight King

1 2

How you’ve touched millions with your sense of humor and charm. Rest well, king. 🐷👑

803 14168