The weather now from today in 1979 - very similar to today in 2019 in fact. Held graphics are now in use (perhaps due to the new computer somehow?) but there is still a gap between the colours. This is an aesthetic choice though rather than one forced by technology.

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'Beach' is the title's new of my serie about people, animals and technology.

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Excited to be collaborating with to realise his design Series “Machine Memoirs” made by AI. The first designs were revealed at the Ai Summit as a demonstration of Ai Build’s technology.
More on this to be revealed soon!

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'Offline' is the title's new of my serie about people, animals and technology.

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'Challenge' is the title's new of my serie about people, animals and technology.

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I am ending my first year of Creajeux with a group project. I was in charge of character design and artistic direction, which is focused around opposition old/new technology.
Here you can see the main character and some NPC's.

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'Important' is the title's new of my serie about people, animals and technology.

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News: Research on early cancer detection from Sam Gambhir's Multimodality Molecular Imaging Lab covers latest issue of Nature Biotechnology. Amin Aalipour serves as lead author. Congrats!

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'Viral video' is the title's new of my serie about people, animals and technology.

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Luna is a ditzy gal with a knack for technology. After leaving her home planet of Maltonia she began to travel with Ren inside of Riasyph. Shes very rarely seen without Eris by her side and her blue broach sewn on to her attire.

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'Gordian cat' is the title's new of my serie about people, animals and technology.

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The girls discover alien technology.

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Wikipedia has a page titled "List of Christians in Science and Technology." Source:

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Attn: who create with image Now's yr chance to get your work in front of audiences around the world + $11k prize fund. Chk it out here:
Under 1 wk to go! Don't leave yr best work on your hard drive!

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The artist commentary for this image (provided by Daigo Ikeno) states that Nero's Devil Breaker was originally depicted as demonic bio-technology. The image shows three eyeballs that could be slotted into the arm.

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Here is a reminder that Nixie tubes are the pinnacle of modern technology. Put your LED displays away and gaze upon the effulgence of the glowing cathode.

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'Hard Game' is the title's new of my serie about people, animals and technology.

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