Remember that Oct 31 is also our spooky gal Hazuki Kaoru's birthday!! 👻👻👻 ft. Amanome so Kijima now has two friends in gothic lolita

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Guess Strange arts really fits me for having diff artstyle and not having a permanent sig artstyle😂 next up... 100% anome artstyle:3

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Here is my contribution to the Spirit Hunter: NG fandom of like 3 people.

Seiji Amanome stans please rise 😳

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Had a go at making chainmail with NanoMeshes. It looks pretty ropey but the theory's there, just needs some tweaking to get the scale of the links right.

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Learning about NanoMesh and InsertMesh brushes with curves to make repeatable mesh stuff. What's nice is you can get 90% of the way super quickly and then can fine tune with standard rotation/movement tools.

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Illustration by Jyanome

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Can't help illustratin this guy, he only appears in the series once in a blue moon. HAHAHA

|| OnePiece 956 ||

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nisaaa otanome🎉🍰 semoga sukses selalu✨

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Sketch Series: Doe X Mage 1/4

Flower mage

I was about to call my stream to an end, but then my empty chat blew up with support from a Twitch Raid and that pushed me to make one more Doe Mage.
I'm so glad I did ~ turned out so cute 😊

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Sketch Series : Doe X Mage 4/4

Arcane Mage

Probably the one I worked on the longest and enjoyed the most. Took up most of the canvas too. I wanted to initially make it feel less menacing but the colors felt right this way by the end.

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Nanomew plays with a yarn ball of chromewtin in the center of a cellular mewcleus ! Silly kitty.

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アベンジャーズ第二弾と言うことで、かののん描いてみたけど…ごめんなさい🙏自分が初めて見たアベンジャーは横浜2日目のKANOMETALでした!めっちゃ可愛いかったのよ〜(๑ ́ᄇ`๑)

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