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THE POEMS OF THOMAS GRAY, Design 85, "The Descent of Odin."
By William Blake
#art #paintings #watercolorpainting #romanticism
THE POEMS OF THOMAS GRAY, Design 79, "The Descent of Odin."
By William Blake
#art #paintings #watercolorpainting #romanticism
THE POEMS OF THOMAS GRAY, Design 77, "The Descent of Odin."
By William Blake
#art #paintings #watercolorpainting #romanticism
The Poems of Thomas Gray, Design 75, "The Fatal Sisters."
By William Blake
#art #paintings #watercolorpainting #romanticism
The body and soul reunited.
An evening offering from me on William Blake's birthday. One of, I believe, 40 illustrations he created for Robert Blair's poem, The Grave. His original drawings were thought to be lost, but 19 of them were rediscovered in 2001.
THE POEMS OF THOMAS GRAY, Design 69, "The Fatal Sisters."
By William Blake
#art #paintings #watercolorpainting #romanticism
I drew Liv and Blake from Bring me to life! I love that song from @justdancegame #JustDance2023
THE POEMS OF THOMAS GRAY, Design 67, "The Fatal Sisters."
By William Blake
#art #paintings #watercolorpainting #romanticism
28.11.William Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827) was an English poet and painter.Blake's Lot and His Daughters, Huntington Library, c. 1800
Ο Λότ και οι κόρες του, Βιβλιοθήκη Χάντινγκτον, γ. 1800
Happy Birthday28-Ουίλιαμ Μπλέικ (αγγλ. William Blake, 28 Νοεμβρίου 1757 – 12 Αυγούστου 1827) ήταν ένας από τους σημαντικότερους Άγγλους ποιητές και παράλληλα ζωγράφος, χαράκτης, εικονογράφος, μυστικιστής και οραματιστής. Η Τίγρη, ποίημα του Μπλέηκ και παράδειγμα της μεθόδου
William Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827) was an English poet and painter.The Night of Enitharmon's Joy, 1795; Blake's vision of Hecate, Greek goddess of black magic and the underworld
Díbujito de Finney Blake y Robin Arellano 👌😉❤️🍉✨🛐🇲🇽🌆 #TheBlackPhone #TheBlackPhonefanart #robinarellano #finneyblake #elizabethcreepycrazysmiedo #jeffmiedo @offical_miguelc @Mason_Thames
W. Blake*
Sono andato nel giardino dell'amore
E ho visto ciò che non avevo mai visto
E "Tu non devi" era scritto sulla porta
E lapidi dove invece ci sarebbero dovuti essere i fiori;
E preti in abiti neri vi camminavano intorno,
* 28 11 1757
Arte: Blake
THE POEMS OF THOMAS GRAY, Design 65, "The Bard."
By William Blake
#art #paintings #watercolorpainting #romanticism
Born this day - William Blake (1757 - 1827)
The Ghost of a Flea
(Tate collection)
#art #artist #WilliamBlake #OTD #BOTD
William Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827) was an English poet and painter Oberon,Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing.William Blake. c.1786Τιτάνια με Νεράιδες που Χορεύουν.
The Great Red Dragon paintings are a series of watercolour paintings by the English poet and painter William Blake, #BOTD in 1757. They depict various scenes from the Book of Revelation https://t.co/eSgyw8V4Ww