Just a fan art of the most adorable husky in KemoColiseum!

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Today's update:
-Weekly & Monthly updates: VIP, returning avatar boards, Monthly Gem Quests, Coliseum, Limited Missions
-Tier 3- Damage Contest Quests ~5/9:59 PT
-Stained Glass & EX+ Deals ~5/21:59 PT

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Went to Coliseum w this morning 😚 Rome is so picturesque!! Wish I had more energy for watercolor sketches..

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Dakk’s dream is to face the notorious champion of the coliseum that is in this particular kingdom (and one of her idols), Rakkjaw (a purposefully captured ork chief)

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April Coliseum Rewards!
-In April Coliseum’s boards you can obtain a “Thorns Frame” and Magic Brooms.
-New skill appears as a reward: Guard Up XL 100%
-The Thorns Frame have a Rare Enemy Perk +4
Get these and more rewards (for ranks 1~100)

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Hiroaki - Neo Geo Battle Coliseum

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J'ai enfin trouvé le courage de m'acheter une grande tablette graphique, alors je vous fais profiter de mes essais !

(j'ai ouvert le colis hier soir mais j'étais trop fatiguée pour faire quelque chose de potable, surtout après 2h à faire des réglages XD).

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Its from these avatar boards that were available during September's coliseum way back in 2016.

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我的新漫畫Kemo Coliseum, 將於FF31首日(2/10)於I 26攤位販售,還請大家多多支持
My new comic "Kemo Coliseum" is available on FF31 (2/10) in Taiwan University sports center (Stand number: I 26 on 3F)

Main characters are designed by

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El Paso 2018 is all said and done, and like anything related, it was one for the books. made a stop in the Sun City for the second year in a row on Saturday, February 3, 2018 at the EP Coliseum.


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February Coliseum Event! New Valentine Accessory Appears!
The special feature ranking award is [Ability 2 and Attack XL III 100%]
-Obtain Avatar parts' "Heart-shaped Balloon" and "Magic Broom" from the February Coliseum Board.

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Mariebelle's dress thread!! 🎉 Dress appeared in vol.1 when Belca hid in Ricolise's brothel~

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New artwork for sale! - "The Colosseum - Coliseum in Rome, Italy" - https://t.co/t8D5PYAIC5

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Tous les light novels NOOB REROLL tome 1 sont officiellement postés. 3000 colis sont actuellement en train d'être acheminés vers vos boites aux lettres. J'espère que l'histoire vous plaira. Pour ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore commandé, une seule adresse : https://t.co/JlhEkbrGWu 😉

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December's Coliseum boards offer Blue Reinstar Spirit Parts!
Rankings offer the Santa Eyebrows Spirit Part (top 20k), Santa Beard Spirit Part (top 7500), Atk XL III (top 5k), and the Santa Hat Spirit Part (top 1k).

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