its a good night to fuck around with dollmakers and make my OCs

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yo i have spent pretty much all day on this dollmaker making my d&d/ffxiv ocs

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So glad dollmakers are a Thing right now because I FUCKING LOVE THEM

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it's that time in aa again where a dollmaker makes its rounds, main chilluns

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I made my non-ff OCs Melodie and Fleur in that dollmaker. Bonus Amelia!

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discovered a really cute dollmaker and now I'm fully distracted from art...

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Makes my D&D character in every dollmaker possible bc I have no control

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Got on the dollmaker train with a lil Lorelei :v

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Meanwhile I'm just gonna satisfy my doggo craves with these dollmakers (link in following tweet)

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casually gets distracted w dollmakers

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Made an OC based on that dollmaker thing 👀👀👀

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I've been seeing these cute dollmakers so I made me and AJ 😊❤️

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Been playing around on dollmakers and photoshop tonight so here's a little picture of me and Aizawa out for a date night.

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i find dollmakers and literally the first thing i make is chuuya every time

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Dollmaker Buttons.....he' my babey

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Are you on the hunt for a sweepingly gorgeous tale that feels like a fairytale but takes on real-world history? You have GOT to look up R. M. Romero's lush debut novel, THE DOLLMAKER OF KRAKOW. If that cover doesn't make your heart beat faster, I'm not sure you HAVE a heart. ;)

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