Some sketches for school assignment: fake ad thingy. I pounced on the excuse to draw 's delightful :D

Nothing against halfdragons! Just thought nullifying the deadly iconic breath weapon with mints is kinda funny :>

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for gulaghar on tumblr of mom Cessie and daughter Cora! Sometimes motherhood’s not all fun and games... sometimes you gotta take away your kid’s beloved training sword because maybe she broke something in the house 😬

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Moar chibis ☺️! my fav dragon boy in the world ~🔥💕

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Smol floofdragon <3

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YAY! Estoy preparando un set de chibis de mis de y he empezado con Sapphy 💙 ((la verdad es que tenía muchas ganas de hacer cositas de ellos 😇))

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Happy Mothers Day to the Mother of Dragons!

I’ll have this and some other OG sketches at the Easter Egg show next week

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okay guys.
got a new kid up for adoption here.
i created it specifically in a way that would make me like him so maybe other people will too xD

dis a fluffdragon (i made them years ago, totally open species cause... eh why not)
this kid is $75 USD :x retweets much appreciated<3

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Recently done by . Go check him out.

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Estoy haciendo redraws de mis Ocs (eran MUY necesarios :__D) y me han dado las tantas 😅#wip

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Dwarfdragon also called Crescenthead (honestly that name sounds better in german <.< "Sichelköpfchen"). They are quite commonplace and popular pets in Aleria :3

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