画質 高画質

No one knows what lives in the depths of the reservoir, the only ones who managed to get there disappeared forever. The seabed has awakened and is waiting for those who still decide to explore it...

0.25 $ETH

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No one knows what lives in the depths of the reservoir, the only ones who managed to get there disappeared forever. The seabed has awakened and is waiting for those who still decide to explore it...

0.25 $ETH

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Hello ⭐💪

I'm jordyn a lil guy who draws mostly my favorite little guys. I also work on my ocs, and draw myself sometimes. My art style is self indulgence and has been. Forever.

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"Fireworks are for now, but friends are forever." 🎇

84 372

My NFT is forever. 👽 🛸💎

𝓤à𝓽 𝓐𝓽è𝓬

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A dragon type Eevee, from a stream featuring Shulpyon (Sorry I cannot spell, if anyone can help I'd appreciate it) @/Kaineknight_ It only took me forever. :'(

0 4

Today is a day where a group of young students changed history forever. 59 years and this image still never gets old

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Acrylic paint on canvas

No one knows what lives in the depths of the reservoir, the only ones who managed to get there disappeared forever. The seabed has awakened and is waiting for those who still decide to explore it...

0.25 $ETH

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No one knows what lives in the depths of the reservoir, the only ones who managed to get there disappeared forever. The seabed has awakened and is waiting for those who still decide to explore it...

0.25 $ETH

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bro, i will go back to my younger self to tell him stop being a dumbass and a bitch god i hate what i was fucking fuck. tell people your issues with them instead of bottling it up until it breaks and you'll lose them forever. dumbass. also stop oversharing about stuff god dammit https://t.co/vg6gIadze6

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“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time now and forever. Amen.”
—Jude 24

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Late GM ☀️

No one knows what lives in the depths of the reservoir, the only ones who managed to get there disappeared forever. The seabed has awakened and is waiting for those who still decide to explore it...

0.25 $ETH

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No one knows what lives in the depths of the reservoir, the only ones who managed to get there disappeared forever. The seabed has awakened and is waiting for those who still decide to explore it...

0.25 $ETH

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Bright Winter Night
0.3 $ETH


We all may have some cold nights,
Nights that seem longer and darker,
Nights that we feel lonely even in the crowd,
We all may have them,
But there isn't a night that lasts forever...

5 14

Good morning! 🤍

Bright Winter Night
0.3 $ETH


We all may have some cold nights,
Nights that seem longer and darker,
Nights that we feel lonely even in the crowd,
We all may have them,
But there isn't a night that lasts forever...

11 17

I know I’ve said this before but my favorite Superman artist might be the great John Buscema, who drew both a great Supes and Clark. Broody but somehow still Superman.

If he’d drawn more, it would have changed how people perceive the character forever.

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