Thank you Genshin Impact and Mihoyo for making my 2021 more fun and meaningful! I hope 2022 will be a great year for us all — health, work, live, and otherwise. I wish for a nice nap too! hahaha

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tweeting on this account just for this

i wish for more albedo screentime

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THIS IS SO REAL............. i wish i can have a nice undisturbed nap, without consequence--

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let me win 50/50 in zhongli banner 🙏😭

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When will they though?
Happy New Year ✨

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wish all genshin players and mihoyo happy and healthy 2022!

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for everyone to have the best luck. may it be in banner pulls or drops.

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My wish is to be able to recruit all the companions I want to my team! So excited for 2.4 :)

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I hope the new year will bring prosperity to everyone 💕

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