My weekend's over! Back to kofimissions! ☕️ For 'Munchkin'

27 198

"...Ho sempre sentito la mancanza di qualcosa-la primissima cosa che ricordo è una mancanza - di cosa non sapevo...grande Emily Dickinson🔝👏👍💘bellissima la Balla👏🌹🔝grazie cara amica, buon pomeriggio a te e amici
Sophie G. Anderson

6 7

A 'Digit's kofimission of their PSO2 character 'v'/☕️

6 70

I usually don't take requests to make full body shots (In kofimissions, they are left to me), but since it was a small pokemon, i went through with it anyway this time ☕️ In any case, this is Spark! For 'ArsenicCadence'

441 2272

Thursday and Friday are my free days. Tomorrow I return to commissions (only two left) and kofimissions! In the meantime...

0 34

A kofimission for 'DeeDubyaGee'! It's Elora dressed as Sally Acorn, but still with themed clothes! ☕️

194 997

We have more levels then 9
All others dissipate thru time
My it’s been r aim
2 have  
Come n2 this  

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Igor Chimisso (Comics Edition jeunesse) et Thierry Mornet (Responsable Éditorial des Éditions ) seront présents pour 2020.
RDV les 2 et 3 mai 2020 à (FR)

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