Ich: Lege B-Ware-Sticker als kleines Goodie den Bestellungen bei.

Kunde: Der Sticker der dabei war hatte nen Kratzer!


37 1794

DARK PINOCCHIO is set alight, enslaved to a puppet master, lynched by ruffians, swallowed by a fish & plunged alive into a pot before becoming A REAL BOY
Folkyard ills, 1914 Dent, for those who understand the power & symbolism of puppets and

8 57

Finally took the plunge into , really loving it so far!

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Den Chibi-Magier habe ich für mein Zeichenbuch "Magic Manga - Zeichnen lernen mit Jenny Liz" gezeichnet. In meinem Buch findet Schritt für Schritt Anleitungen, wie man ihn zeichnet und allgemeine Hilfestellungen zum Zeichnen von Figuren, Kleidung uvm. ^^ https://t.co/44CVvwNBes

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- Getter Combination Mismatch -
Imagine if this one actually worked and instead of grabbing and throwing like Getter-3 it grabbed and lunged itself with the extendable arms. That would be funny :V

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Alle Bestellungen sind raus! Und jetzt eine kleine Verschnaufpause :')

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(late post) I always felt like I didn't have the skill to make fanart. But recently, I've realized that my appreciation is stronger than my fear. So when made me (happy) cry on his karaoke stream, I took the plunge.

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hat für mich meine Sub-Badges in den Farben der Evoli-Entwicklungen erstellt! Ich find sie richtig nice!
Hier ein paar Beispiele:

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Meet the New Character of the Crossover:Flat Petey The Object and Golden Plunger

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⭐ Hey everyone 🙃 I want to introduce our team of developers of the KOKO_DI world💥soon you will be able to see the entire collection of heroes of this bright world, and plunge into its exciting history 💖https://t.co/bV9RvG028G

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This is retopology heck! My usual workflow is just too slow with these complex shapes, and procedural tools don't get good results. I think I'll take the plunge with RetopoFlow and see how that goes.

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Today i want to show you some Fanart of an Fake Pokémon! Felunge is from Fan Game Pokemon Uranium. Because it’s a Calico Cat i fell in love! 🤎🧡

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Not every place you go has to be upscale. Some of the best little places are holes in the wall - which why Alex loves taking the plunge at the local Dive Bar.


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The final coloured design for Pax Headroom! IG: paxxheadroom

Check out their account for more drag shenanigans, it's my first time being plunged into this world (late I know) but I'm captivated by how colourful, energetic and labour intensive the whole thing is!

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Alberich (powerful elf) guards the treasure of Schilbung and Nibelung (mist and water). He also owns a cloak of invisibility (Tarnkappe). He appears in French lit as Aubéron and in English as Oberon. He is defeated by Siegfried in the Nibelungenlied.

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The painting for PLUNGE has SOLD.
More work is available! https://t.co/OVtVPTcdDX

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