Lupin III cameo in the new Ducktales episode!

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GWスタート記念!5/2の は、ドラマ&アニメの一挙放送❗❗8:55~元AKB 主演ドラマ「#タンクトップファイター」美女競艶の本格アクションサスペンスドラマ✨そして、16:05~アニメ「#LUPINtheThird峰不二子という女」を配信❗❗

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Drew Daisuke Jigen from Lupin the IIIrd. Really like how this one turned out.

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Stolen all your gold and making a clean getaway with the gang

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Its WALUIGI TIME for the "Super Smash Styles" series, where I draw assist trophies in different art styles! Here's Waluigi in the style of Lupin III !

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4/18のMEN’S NECO(#メンネコ)は、16:35~22:00「 ~」全13話を一挙配信!声優陣は声優界のレジェンド達が勢ぞろい!! のイケボにも聞き惚れる~!

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This is one of those moments that I like the sketch a lot better. I tried at least right? 😭

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part 3's intro has goemon holding a little bird.. and you can guess what happened from there//

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Imagine Fujiko in this though,,

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3/18のMEN’S NECO(#メンネコ)は、11:00~16:25「 ~」全13話を一挙配信!声優陣は声優界のレジェンド達が勢ぞろい!! のイケボイスにも聞き惚れてまうやろ~!

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