i think i’ve fallen in love with noé archiviste.

14 84

Noé wearing Vanitas's stuff

9 47

Noé archiviste from vanitas no carte is north african Algerian Amazigh

10 23

Here, have a Noé

2 2

vanitas agarrándose a noé

3 8

¡¡Viva Chile, Mierda!! 🎉🇨🇱🍻

No suelo hacer cosas patrias, pero se me vino esta idea random hablando con una amiga y me pudo💦

Perdóname por usar a tus personajes para esto 🙏

66 384

The way Vanitas described his feelings for Jeanne being the same thing Noé went through that one night???? Homosexual behaviour

13 63

noé is so whipped for vanitas he unconsciously slaps a shoujo snapchat filter on him every time he smiles

391 1239

noé wishes everyone a happy bisexual awareness week !!

135 498

Decir que Jeanne de Vanitas no Carte me ha enamorado. Posiblemente entre en el top waifus de este año (Y ojo con Noé que capaz se va al de husbandos 👀)

Además de eso destacar que la relación entre Domi y Noé también me ha encantado. Deseando ver más de ellos.

2 10

I have to meditate for ten years hold on. Uhmmmm let us not forget Vani is the one who initiated this contact. This finding of Noé as a place to rest. After a revisit of some of his deepest traumas… ok

1 3

confused chibi noé <3

4 9

Now, we go back to Mémoire 19. In the same between Noé and Ruthven, they added these butterflies that weren't in the manga (very interesting touch considering how present the butterfly imagery is in VnC. I think there is a lot to discuss about this)

7 72

noé blushing over vanitas

7 31

【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Noémie Desanges.
Though Noémie is a demon who has lived for 639,784,536 years, she has the memory of a goldfish and cannot remember more than a week into the past. Her self-centeredness and short-temper make her hard to interact with.

3 18

Decided to do some studies/practice...have some Noé, I love him. 💕🦇

2 6

Ein Tässchen Tee gefällig? Vanitas und Noé sind auf dem Cover der Oktober-Ausgabe des japanischen Magazins PASH! zu sehen! ☕

7 110