Some blissful hours imagining and this commissioned "Reclaiming On its way to its owner in a few days!

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. 5/29: Raids Against Protestors In 4 Nations, Technology Used To Capture & Cage, Calls, Timeline, Italy Attack On Democracy, & Genocides, Children, Brazil Situation

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Radwa Ashour?s 72nd Birthday, 5/26/18, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Tunisia

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How on earth does an olive branch mean peace, while we have unbearable weapon sale and weapon ownership everywhere?

Her yerde dayanılmaz bir silah satışı ve mülkiyeti varken, bir zeytin dalı nasıl barış anlamına gelir?

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[LE DESSIN DE LA SEMAINE] Le deuxième dessin signé Shay Charka, dessinateur et caricaturiste israélien qui publie chaque semaine dans le journal Makor Risho. Il dénonce la manipulation du Hamas.

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For decades, the world remains blind to Palestine's struggle for liberation.

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Killed before, killing now. "We have bullets for everyone" of course as a peace-lover!

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Gianluca Costantini

"70th Anniversary of Israel"

🔸 'This is my land. I am not afraid... This is Palestine. Did you hear that?'
🔸 'Peace in Palestine!'
🔸 'Peace!'
🔸 'Peace'

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May Day poster from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 1974.

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Sketch of the Day: Roadblock at Wadi Nar, West Bank, Palestine, 2004

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Mother's Day 2018 (MENA), 3/21/18, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, SaudiArabia, Tunisia

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In 2013 Stephen Hawking honored the academic boycott of Israel by pulling out of a conference hosted by Shimon Peres ( What is less known is that he also worked to promote physics education in Palestine (

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