Poketober - Day 10 - Mareanie

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Poketober Day 10: Make a legendary into a non-legendary.

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{Inktober/Poketober Day 10}
“Favorite Grass Type Pokemon”
- Tsareena

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for I got Scyther. Originally I hated it, but I've grown to her love her a lot actually...

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Poketober Day 9: Fav Gen 3 Pokemon.

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Poketober Day 8: Design a Pokeball.
Sports-themed Pokeballs. I dunno, I couldn't think of anything good for this one.

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Day 8 - Rock type
I just got up, I just missed to put the signature and posted it before, but I was dying of sleep XD

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For we got poliwrath and uh..I had to stare at a lot of wrestlers and get a lot of help with this one.He also looks like Ike.

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Poketober - Day 8 - Luxray

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Poketober - Day 7 - Banette

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