Tava no tedio ent decidi participa do da
Espero q goste e parabéns pelos 3.3k ♥️

13 35

So far so good.
Art is quite tedious

0 3

Sometimes u gotta let a lele have a Beeg Sword (:

Picking at this one slowly, defining muscles makes me proud when done but tedious af in process

0 0

Hehe what if I added very tedious detail that I probably won't even use in Grimms' final ref?? Heehoo 😳💖💖

1 9

Dibujo que hice para , se supone que era para su cumple años pero paso como 2 semanas pero bueno se logro, quería hacer una combinación de tradicional con digital, el proceso fue tedioso pero el resultado valió la pena

3 9

"As in a theatre, the eyes of men,
After a well-grac'd actor leaves the stage,
Are idly bent on him that enters next,
Thinking his prattle to be tedious"

Richard II, Act V, Scene 2

0 9

Start off your love month by having a kiss from Noelle :^}

First time animating something like this, it is hella tedious but its worth it 😳


6 22

Eu vi essa roupa de sanduíche e pensei: a lady Black provavelmente faria a plug usar pq sabe que ela tem medo. E um desenho da versão feminina do flug que eu fiz no tedio então não ta muito bom 😅😅🥪

4 17

Desculpa te atrapalhar .. , eu sei q vc tem que fazer animações , querer desenhar por tedio ou algo do tipo mas ... toma uma fanart , só isso msm.. dsclp🦦

1 14

How many times they going to bring back this character? This is tedious

0 8

I feel like I've never been all that good at drawing paws. It's a tedious process, but when they come out looking good, they make all the difference!

Anyway, here's my attempt at drawing a cute paw on Doyle.

5 25

It's really good. 😎
My only gripe: I think they ramp up the number of cracked tiles too quickly. I cheated the second time round, so I could visit all the boards, and the final one was almost tedious until the edges were filled out. But in all other respects, a stunning game. 👍

0 1

Zoe fanart
Dibujando y mejorando en expresiones
✨ Hacer césped es tedioso pero da buenos resultados ✨

1 6

ive been drawing so many crowd scenes and its tedious but it will never be as tedious as these clocks. nothing will ever come close to these three pages of clocks...(and someday i'll have to draw these again sob)

1 15

Even when Alien Logic gets meandering and tedious (which happens a lot), I loved learning about this world. The character writing is so strong that it makes every other part of the game more meaningful

2 34

💉Ask-Wasteland-Labs Update💉

A bit of a text heavy post but I didn't wanna split it into multiple posts that seemed tedious.
also mentions some heavy topicss

🖥️: https://t.co/v27rufvcMI

1 5

"Oh, what's to tell. I'm a magistrate back in the city – it's all rather tedious"

Sure, hun. Whatever you say.
Hope you didn't overwork yourself~

38 107

Tedious rendering, eventually I'll finish it🥱

1 3

for once i've remembered to follow through on my art ideas whoops

i forgot how much tedious fun it is to fabricate lace on my outfits.

0 6

I spent a bit longer on this one due to the tedious leaves but I’m really enjoying the outcome, it feels like there is a story behind this! Ref included as always!

0 9