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Happy anniversary holomyth‼️🎊🎉
" is not rock paper scissors, is a star !! "
#gawrt #ameliaRT #ArtsOfAshes #絵ニックス #callillust #inART #いなート
Underwear series No.11
Who am I going to draw next~~~?
#artsofashes #絵ニックス
#hololiveEnglish #hololiveEN
#ホロライブ #hololive #HololiveEN
Happy Anniversary!!!🎉🎉🎊🎊
#Holomyth1stAnniversary #kiaraversary #HololiveEN #holomyth #hololiveEnglish #callillust #ArtsOfAshes #inART #gawrt #ameliaRT #Mythiversary
cheers to an amazing year! y'alls are inspiring like no one else.
#callillust #ArtsOfAshes #inART #gawrt #ameliaRT (1/2 cuz only four pictures per tweet)
Happy 1 year anniversary 🎉 (I really like how this came out) #Mythiversary #gawrt
#callillust #ameliaRT #inART #WAHnniversary #artsofashes #kiaraversary
Chicken Kiara doodle :) #hololiveENArt #artsofashes https://t.co/0bCyQSZzIR
Thank you for the stream and the year of happy memories, holomyth! 💕
#callillust #artsofashes #inART
#gawrt #ameliaRT #Mythiversary
Still busy but heres a rough prediction ahhhhh reminds me of great gatsby #ArtsOfAshes
I drew this while watching the HoloEN anniversary livestream! Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! 🥳🎉 #inART #ameliaRT #callillust #ArtsOfAshes #gawrt #Mythiversary
Happy one year anniversary!
#gurart #ameliaRT #inART #callillust #ArtsOfAshes
I just can't handle their cuteness, thank you for enlighten my life ! ❤️☺️❤️☺️
#Mythiversary #ameliaRT #inART #gawrt #ArtsOfAshes #callillust #いなート #絵ニックス
Takanashi Kiara
A wandering eternity that sparks joy and fire in our soul. You are the thread that connects the world and Hololive and the Hololive world itself. From Japan, Indonesia and all around the globe, you spread your wings graciously!
holomyth riyo chibis!! #repostday #callillust #ameliaRT #inART #ArtsOfAshes #gawrt #Mythiversary
I love all of HoloMyth
Sincerely, someone who has lived their best year thanks to you guys
#ameliaRT #gawrt #inART #ArtsOfAshes #callillust
Love you for ever! 💕