//=time() ?>
Hi, everyone! This is good news for all of you who've been waiting to play Realidea in English :)
On Monday (12/09, so in two days) a beta translated game will be published! It's the same version that you've probably seen some Youtubers play
A 17 page preview of the English digital edition of "Shaman King: & a Garden" volume 3 is now available on @BOOKWALKER_GL! The volume will release worldwide (outside of Japan) on September 27, 2022.
Preview: https://t.co/imzXfjFkdA
(I'm not a native English speaker so there can be something wrong!! )
Today on Okazu - Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – September 10, 2022
Yuri Events Anime, Manga in English & French; Lycoris Recoil novel pre-orders pass 100K and more in news this week from the global Yuri Network!
Man it sure would be cool if yenpress dropped a volume 7 of Combatants will be dispatched English translation release date. Would be really cool actually.
【月夜の晩に。幕間】ウリサン/urithan (1/3)
English →https://t.co/ANvgVaOvuK
中文 →https://t.co/YELPCuAokA
New english banknotes has leaked👀 @hotmilkhan @hotmilkhotmilk
(It isn’t suppose to be offensive in any kind)
【まだまだ楽曲募集中(Concerning the Megaman 4 Arrange Compilation)】2022年秋M3に向けて、ロックマンアレンジCDの制作を行います。アレンジ楽曲を募集しています!
Detail(in English)
曲の締切は2022/10/1(土) 23:59です
I'm doing Beowulf again in my English
I keep winning, keep getting the same material to write easy essays about
😈 Lullaby of Demonia – Alastor’s VIP Vacation😈 is NOW AVAILABLE in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese
Google Play users, you can access Alastor’s VIP Vacation from inside the Lullaby of Demonia app!
Link: https://t.co/dBtXHgzH2O
Some other short manga I really like but can’t put into the list because they don’t have physical releases in English
Nozomi's Reversal storyline comes to a close in September's free release of Penlight, my hypnosis-themed visual novel~
Available to play in English and Spanish via my Patreon: https://t.co/WVec2tHw60
#visualnovel #hypnosis #mindcontrol #vndev #indiedev
e.g. vs i.e.
Jangan terkecoh, keduanya berbeda!
e.g ➢ singkatan dari exempli gratia, cukup ingat arti dari e.g. = for example = contohnya/misalnya
i.e. ➢ singkatan dari id est, cukup ingat arti dari i.e. = that is = yaitu
Happy Mid Autumn Festival. 🌙The moon is very beautiful, I wish you all beside your lover. In the future, we will send messages in English and hope to have more interaction.
#kroniijokes #krotime #kronillust #kroniillust #クロニーラ #hololiveEnglish #hololive #holoCouncil
(*트레이싱 좀 했습니다)
(* I did some tracing for this work.)