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Comfort>Hurt in that order tbh

184 314

Day1 of week: Hurt / Comfort
in a tux comforts me

35 74

Starting week with a little bubblebath :)

131 229

as Sook-hee and Hideko from The Handmaiden

1426 2815

ya boys keith and shiro

94 144

so we're gonna chase the moon like fire--
(sorry for the angst awb haha)

59 85

[#Sheith HS AU] Part 2 w/ sneaky keith and clueless af shiro

477 883

b-day gift ( ಠ◡ಠ )

471 810

calm again, calm again
i feel warm again--

, i missed 3 days of inktober, sorry, does this count?

27 52

afraid of losing her mind, Pidge surrounds herself with things that help her feel normal, as if she’d never left the castle…

1 5

i love keith being really touchy w/ shiro

341 461

Keith: Stop petting my hair.
Shiro: Stop you petting my hair.

619 715

[HS AU] they're both dorks...

959 1681

I'm so in love with their love......

64 99