"'He didn't take his Potion tonight! He's not safe!'
'Run,' Sirius whispered. 'Run! Now!'
But Harry couldn't run. Ron was chained to Pettigrew and Lupin"
— JKR (PA20)
#Werewolves #RemusLupin #FullMoon
#PotterArt by Laura Freeman
Hey #drawingwhileblack !! 💜💜 I'm Laura an illustrator from the uk. I kind of went on a bit of a hiatus but made a promise to myself to get back into drawing at the beginning of the year. I love drawing portraitures and creating character designs 😊.
@Gliscuck_24 Laura's a bookworm and used to like Tod's jokes but started hating them and herself as she grew older. She's better now and is content with all that. She acts proper because she wanted to be more like Lily and hides her fun side from people.
Join up to the digital Summer Reading Challenge, for children 4-11 years old. Find out more here.
https://t.co/2PQgMsf2FR. Meet a member from the Silly Squad family, Snook the penguin illustrated by Laura Ellen Anderson.
@Juwulinha olá, eu sou a Laura e sou uma desenhista de 16 anos :) gosto de desenhar estilo anime e um quase realismo que eu estou melhorando aos poucos
espero ficar bastante tempo aqui no tt :))💜
meus artistas favs: @chappy_suey @mochikiwis @ladycreamyy @luyyyyy__ @Pinkmirukuu @_Hazelly_
Commission work I finished today, and an amazing commissioner! Characters belong to Alaura Barnes (fb)
Art by @silencedlamb
#furryart #furry #furryartwork #drekkubus #drekkies #drekkubusart #kemonofurry #kemono #kemonoart #opencommissions
@Juwulinha @leobergamini Koe
Meu nome é Laura, tenho 22, sou estudante de design da UERJ e tentando profissionalizar minha ilustração. Sou otaco fedida e gosto de desenhar desde bichinhos de memes à coisas de terror.
Também sou muito ativa no insta! Me segue lá: https://t.co/f9OhQAWESa
I'm LATE with this but here's a little birthday gift I whipped up for @Famimatsu! A tale of two Lauras, and two boys not sure what to make of it XD
Another round of RAD submissions created by @silver378, @tacodecorazon, Niccolo Vannucci and Laura Stout. Interested in joining our community? Visit the link in our bio and come collabrate with us! #RAD_Artists #ThankYouNetflix
So time to update here a little! I was rather busy so here is few art I finished recently ;3 The cute clown kirby is in ownership of Laura on FCB :) Sadly they dont use FA or Twitter for me tag ;3
@chirunax Oohh thanks for the art share!
I’m Laura, and I draw cartoons about a group of friends who wind up in paranormal situations. 👻✨
Also got a couple of comics up on webtoon and tapas which is pretty neat! ✨
Los primeros 2 dibujos de mis oc en #pride
Les presento a la Mila y la Laura, las disaster lesbians
“I was just thinking how the purr of a contented cat is one of my favorite sounds in the world. There's something so comforting about it, isn't there?” - Laura Lam
Art: Gracie and Eli inspired by Franz Marc by Andrea Barauskas
Gotta congratulate the Alisa stans for their victory in the polls. What better way to celebrate than by posting this wonderful piece of her and Laura!? Oh, there's also one more thing you can do... vote for Laura when he poll is up! ;)
Art found here https://t.co/z122pf0n9r