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Added a few more LBAC to my collection!
Looking forward to the Mutant Drop!

8 20

MARS - The Mutant Aipe Rescue Society established enclaves for Mutants to enjoy a peaceful existence. These strongholds endured over 5000 years, right until the Great Meta Freeze, a day some had feared would never come.

9 25

What underrated X-Person should be front and center in the MCU?

I’ll go first. Maggot needs to be one of the notable MCU mutants.

13 89

The pursuit of the Mutant Aipes was at times relentless. For some the only way to escape the refreshes was to blend in with the environment. Some stayed in that form for so long, they forgot how to change back.

7 22

Something I've really wondered about Super (or Demon SSJ, w/e) is how different it is from SSJ itself since the only two we've seen use it are mutants with a LOAD of different DNA in their bodies. The uptick in power and the inverted eyes feel so surface-level.

0 13

Are you still waiting with MELK buy?

Cets love melk🥛
Especially Mutant cets🤌🤌


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Wanna see my gallery of from - is a great day to chill and check out some amazing AI mutants. link

6 18

this fine Morie 🤝 Mutant 🤝 Monday

2 8

its and if you haven't yet checked out my derivatives... today is the day.


5 17

76 mob all around including my firat sight of a sheepsquash killing 8 super mutants hahaha, took me 1 and a half hrs get back to a train station cause i yad to get back for my loot everytimevi got killed xD, anyways, what we doing tonight? Let me know, laaav you

0 1

Perfect for and free via Audible...DARK PHOENIX!!

FREE HERE-> https://t.co/zkhDAJs9O4

5 6

Picked another off the floor!

can't let grab them all 😜

how nice is it though

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