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My friend Albinopixel on tumblr has an impsona so you know I had to draw her owo, Ren is there for height comparisson. He's not the biggest boy anymore.

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Ren gets a ref before Imp? its more likely than you think

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Finally dumping some modern au art here 😃
- Young Harry swing dancing :') and Percival by and large being a disaster of an orthopedic trauma surgeon...

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I wondered what merging my two styles would look like (so linerart + softer shading) and this was the result

I kinda like it, but idk how to colour theory🙃

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24 25 26 kinda cheating but it’s due to the fact I’ve had a rough weekend with a migraine. A Pomeranian Cerberus!

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That’s a lipstick smear, not blood. And yes, idk how to draw bewbs

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I haven't fallen off the planet but things got hectic and then I lost one of the most influential people in my life last Tuesday. Thankfully drawing some vent art helped me get back into the flow of at least feeling like drawing again.

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Dream + TechnoBraid ✨

I'm too deep in the hole and I can't get out.

Well for now here's MC Youtubers and chillin'

Ft. MySuperInconsistentArtStyle™️

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Tryed drawing in procreate, ehhh it was fun but not my tea
One of my ocs, koster

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