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She has two forms: Her default doll form and a 'Blanket Form' accessed by her Cloaking Blanket, turning her into a typical Halloween costume-esque blanket ghost.

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It would be super cool to Even though part of it may be kinda my fault since I have so many different styles and subject matters...

I hear consistency is good, but my brain cannot handle that.

6 15

Hey darlings! Cas and Lux here! Starfallen twins of Gemini, trapped on earth and stuck in the same body! And its (almost) all my idiot brothers fault

... Well at least you’re right on the almost part



3 10

rare moment where i fully draw an oc and actually post it, esp since most my stuff is fanart. a weird way of me celebrating kinda late 3k followers :V

acelia. a former princess. an optimist. willful to a fault. always trying to prove herself.

3 36

Wait you're telling me it isn't 100% my fault???

8 23

chotto matte.... dlc and rushia have the same default expression asldkfjkdljfgg

4 96

Daily format family moment where we keep losing to some cringebased unpog-pilled mario on a default kart setup. Deffy not poggers. :^(

1 5

Hey no worries not your fault, let's take a good rest 😌

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Quick pic for this potato!

I know Im late but that was the timezone fault not mine okay?

1 16

That's true! I thought of making it centered because it looked more "default". But if we're gonna be more accurate I did made the amendment, this one should be more accurate I think 😅

2 7

its this one??
its very rad but its just like a random default brush in krita i think?? and i have a very old version of krita hbkl;ahe; i just have never updated it because i liked the brushes it had lmao

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charlie my beloved <3333

i have only gotten less wholesome and its your fault

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Predictable in my fgo portrait choices but u can’t fault me for this

0 19

I just realized the bastion comic implies that torb paints bastion to his default skin- we get to see an “in-between” in binary between the two forms. And then bastion gets upgraded further in overwatch 2

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this is my Oc Xing. He is my main oc by default because he doesnt shut up. He looks cute but he’s actually like a bitter 30 year old inside. He is a kirin and has a lot of opposite traits that one should have. Ask away if youd like. 😊

1 4

Batstarys 😂
This is entirely 's fault (though in the best way!)
Also inspired by a tumblr headcanon in which all venthyr have terrifying bat forms. Opal decided they should be cute. (Highly recommend drawing your OCs as bats, it's quite fun)

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It’s obviously the algorithm’s fault and totally not because my work is super niche. Either way,

3 20

Glad to see this out in !

The in cognition

Congrats to & for leading the effort, plus Beth Jeffries !


119 300

because I and other artists are already in a constant struggle to be seen and make a living doing what we love; we don't need an arbitrary algorithm hiding us even more and hurting our mental health!!

Make Latest Tweets default while you're at it :P

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