画質 高画質

Confesso que eu prefiro ver personagens que existem nos jogos, como a Klara e o Avery. Mas a ideia do Projeto Mew pode ser uma boa para haver uma trama com enredo fixo... ainda que smells like MAIS PROTAGONISMO PARA O GOH spirit.

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the doodle for tonight
it’s my boy onism :)

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Waking up after a long nap always has me feeling a bit disoriented, scattered, mentally fragmented even...

Have some of Kazimir Malevich's "Suprematism" series, pioneering works in abstract expressionism which attempted to rationalize an especially turbulent early 20th century!

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The Tower of Blue Horses (1913)
by Franz Marc
Style: Expressionism

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Winterlandscape in Bavaria, 1950

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