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7. Apollo Justice

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Here is my little(Tall) guy Apollo! QwQ My favorite color is light orange! QwQv Thanks for the chance!

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And to keep the announcements coming!!

We have cast our Hazel Levesque!
Please welcome Anjali!

You will get to hear her VERY soon in upcoming episodes! 💙✨

9 108

Average Apollo Justice fan versus average Investigations 2 enjoyer

20 54

We had a lot of fun in the drawpile last night!! I drew Apollo and baking

10 31

Perfection is Apollo Justice
don’t you dare question me

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I really had fun drawing this 💞🥺 I was feeling really bored and angry yesterday I take a pic of my pose to draw this beautiful boy 💞💕💞💕💞💕 I love you my husbandoooo

I hope my friends give me a break

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Apollo Justice

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two drawings of the same character, Apollo, the version with the shovel is the one currently in his history, the one with the spear, is the one in his youth. What a difference in style is noticeable that I did them with a time difference.

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Alright, everyone.

Today was fantastic, and tonight was even better! Thank you to everyone here! When I say I love you all...I really do mean it. You just being here means more than I can possibly explain. Thank you

Good Night 🥰

(Midnighter and Apollo Fernando Blanco)

1 37

I have these little guys! They all hold some part of me! My main ones are Luciola (the cute firefly fellow!) Farryn(Red headed cat demon!) And Apollo!(Dark Cat Bear demon!) They all mean so much to me and I would never think of replacing any of them now! QwQ

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Best Selling Fiction Books 1925

A. Hamilton Gibbs, Soundings
Margaret Kennedy, The Constant Nymph
Gene Stratton Porter, The Keeper of the Bees
E. Barrington, Glorious Apollo

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My OC group picture!⭐️
From the left: Apollonia, Ero’Thel and Eroleia, Nerbie, Hebai, Yvaine, Lunasande and lastly Orisali.⭐️

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my first contribution to the ace attorney fandom lol
prob gonna draw ace attorney things for a while

10 31

apollo and kristoph.. but ladies
(this isnt shipping btw i just wanted to draw my wives)

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late night klapollo hours~
オドキョ 쿄오도

10 26

I'm Pollo from México, I draw robots and cute girls and cute robo girls 😳👉👈

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