画質 高画質

9位(RT95/Fav332):https://t.co/A8FjSUhDyf (Chevalier_04056)
10位(RT82/Fav333):https://t.co/rk7noAxePy (0toumaguro)
11位(RT99/Fav281):https://t.co/SzQ0YUdUaS (kumahinatabokko)
12位(RT94/Fav283):https://t.co/zeoeDPR6tx (tonke2015)

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Rising from the grave of 2015! My first ever dnd character completely revamped and redesigned!

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2015/16 —> 2022

A little wip for fun. Found an old comic from highschool (junior or senior year) and decided to redraw it.

Might finish it up. Depends on time

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5位(RT88/Fav304):https://t.co/Nydw0xObed (day_l_full)
6位(RT69/Fav295):https://t.co/doXeKdlWic (Hiiro_yuya)
7位(RT79/Fav273):https://t.co/2lPDILDkfd (minomori_yu)
8位(RT88/Fav258):https://t.co/zeoeDQ89vx (tonke2015)

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Mar 22, 2015. By: doukdoukdouk
[6 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"L'Éctoplasma de la nuit !!!"

0 1


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el clan (2015)

Granizo (2022)

La historia oficial (1985)

evita (1996)

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May 05, 2015. By: MwaYuuki
[48 Yeahs!] [8 replies] (EU)
"Couple OC: Akyo Love Yuuki"

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This is 2015-2022....
I guess you could say I've improved 🐋🐋🐋🦀🦀🦀

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1位(RT99/Fav393):https://t.co/DlEizDwAUD (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT103/Fav337):https://t.co/8br3PlLCVC (seitei04)
3位(RT69/Fav200):https://t.co/zeoeDPR6tx (tonke2015)
4位(RT47/Fav186):https://t.co/5gHRRZgHq2 (gate19_nanone)

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Aug 25, 2015. By: Manga81
[17 Yeahs!] [2 replies] (EU)
"Nouveau dessin Shachi x Nami, des avis ? *^*"

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This is the original (made in 2015). Honestly it has aged a lot better than some of my other art xD

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Apr 06, 2015. By: BlumeUndGrace
[40 Yeahs!] [13 replies] (EU)
"Hier seht ihr die Könige von Fire Emblem iƒ: Der Blonde Mann ist von Nohr Königreich und der andere Mann von Hoshido Königreich. "

0 1

New Top post on r/furry: Remake of my 2015 first fursona I ever had :) by TenmeiMeri
Link to post: https://t.co/XEqJfzBDdZ

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Aug 29, 2015. By: JSnowpaw
[15 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"WIP ovo I did not draw the background!"

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1位(RT79/Fav326):https://t.co/DlEizDNDWD (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT81/Fav253):https://t.co/8br3PlttHu (seitei04)
3位(RT57/Fav147):https://t.co/zeoeDQ89vx (tonke2015)
4位(RT54/Fav105):https://t.co/5rSidzTBKZ (kaZC32S)

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May 30, 2015. By: Draglame68
[27 Yeahs!] [28 replies] (EU)
"Et voilà ! Pour toi Metalinkby !"

0 0

大塚 周夫(おおつか ちかお、1929年7月5日 - 2015年1月15日)


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