画質 高画質

cool that this is a thing. I dart back and fourth so much in what I wanna do, I feel this is my biggest weakness (lack of consistency) but there we go.... All these are the same characters so it's harder to tell maybe lol

1 10

Literally what is consistency 🙃

97 623

I don't know if I wanna be toony or anime, pls send help

4 7

Even if the first and last ones look pretty alike, here's my thingy cause I wanna be a cool kid too

1 2

mm, yeah, I think I got it. Though in general my backgrounds usually seem more painterly, but I do love dabbling in different styles at times. Cell shading and painterly are usually my go-to styles

1 5

cause im an inconsistent bastard skskk

0 5

What's this... style you speak of??

0 5

I don't think I will ever have just ONE constant art style.
Is that good or bad?

7 26

oh bitch i got this

there's more variation if i include work stuff but i try to keep some separation between professional work and my disaster twitter

74 487

I have more than but here’s a few of them! 😅

0 6

how I draw stuff largely depends on how much effort I wanna put into it

3 13

different enough to make me a wild card back in uni, I guess I just never changed.

3 2

I love purple and magical subjects! I definitely need to make more time for traditional paintings again. 🖤

8 50

featuring riku kingdomhearts

7 38