画質 高画質


I recently started drawing illustrations, so I'm going to draw the members for drawing practice.

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明日 8/24に水彩画2点追納します。
午前中所用のため、13:00目安で追納&在廊予定ですが時間が前後する可能性大です、ご承知おきくださいませm(_ _)m
8/28まで さまにて

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happy noctyx half-anni ~ >❛

(就这样吧…画累了 反正晚了;)

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「誰そ彼」Artist: 向云·燕 Posted with artist’s permission. Please do not reproduce.
「誰そ彼」(who is that) is likely the origin of 「黄昏」in Japanese, which means “at dusk”. People can’t recognize a familiar silhouette at dusk, so they ask: “who is that?”

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Finde die beiden zu süß 🥹
Musste einfach ein kleines Bildchen zeichnen~


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