画質 高画質

A pilot stands before you.

Respect is due.

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Cynapse has set me up with a vroid model to pilot until further notice ~

Say hello to Jets 3D 2.0! Mech pilot (not cat girl)

Cynapse inc - connecting you with a safer tomorrow 🔗

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Lately, yeah. Friends of mine who're into Toku have told me Minnow is basically a Kamen Rider, has that "Big Toku Hero Energy."

I've decided to roll with it in the latest book. Here's another pilot with a very Zero One-like upgrade.

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from the pilot vs. episode 4
i duno we'll see in the next part i guess cause that image really seemed to hit Blitz in the guts

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Okay so you know in the pilot how Blitzo makes a deal about family and how you don’t get rid of family….🥺 what happened to his family?! 😭😭😭😭

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rewatching recaps with friends and paused the video to pilot. smear frames are the best

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O melhor piloto da galáxia de andrômeda, pilota moto, carro, skate, patinete, avião, nave espacial e até robô gigante se tiver um disponível... só não pilota fogão mas é só pq ele realmente cozinha mto mal :v https://t.co/TWtPkSrznP

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Evangelion Unit-02 (エヴァンゲリオン2号機, Evangelion Nigouki)

Model Type: Production Model
Nation of Origin: Germany (E.U.)
Affiliation:Nerv (2.0), Wille (3.0 onward)
Pilot(s): Asuka Shikinami Langley &
Mari Makinami Illustriou

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Ψ the anointing of the ninth bishop Ψ

i accidentally made you look really young but I hope you find it flattering rather than inaccurate

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Apakah dia pilot? Aku rasa dia lebih cocok jadi pangeran

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There are lots of characters that I love! For this one I would like to pick Amuro Ray. He is one of the Legends for those who piloting a Gundam and his skill is second to none.

Thank you for this giveaway event too ☺️☺️

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But do I want to say goodbye to all the glowing eyes?

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On this day in 1911, an Italian pilot named Giulio Gavotti drops four grenades from an Etrich Taube monoplane onto Ottoman Turk positions in Libya. It's history's first air strike. No casualties are inflicted.

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「Hello, is <anyone> there? My name is ✧étoile, the pilot of R0-53. It seems I've <lost> my way <home>..But where exactly is <home>?🌟」


💫Live -
🌠Art -
💫Covers -

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⭒ my favorite pieces from my new animation x donnie darko: https://t.co/hGJPbIKlvL

‘gotta go for it.

// i need you. thank you

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