画質 高画質

´´El ojo recibe de la belleza pintada el mismo placer que de la belleza real.´´
Leonardo da Vinci

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´´El pintor tiene el universo en su mente y en sus manos´´
Leonardo D´Vinci -

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Drawing up Leona, love the aesthetic of the character but I can't play her to save my life. Had a lot of fun with the metallics here.

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Day 177 is another one from Leonard Clark's The Year Round. This one is on the title page. I love the cat and the blackbird and the contented sharing.

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Leonardo Roda: Vette valdostane specie il Cervino e i paesaggi di montagna sono il suo grande amore.Artista k ha bisogno di spazio x poter esprimere potenzialità di vero e di pensiero con linguaggio naturalista ispirandosi a elementi cromatici/luminosi/atmosferiche

11 12

E la Morte, nonostante i minacciosi orpelli delle serpi e della clessidra, era espressiva più di mendicità che di trionfo.
« La morte si sconta vivendo»

Leonardo Sciascia, Il cavaliere e la morte

Albrecht Dürer, Il cavaliere, la morte e il diavolo

13 25

¿De que año era esto? extraño a la leona

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"Geniale Menschen
beginnen grosse Werke,
fleissige vollenden sie."

Leonardo da Vinci

6 18

Just a piccy of Leona the kobold!

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Nero decided to talk to Cleona about her reason for not being in contact with his father, Zarrand for so long and of course he spoke to her with an attitude, so Cleona decided to discipline him, which sadly Nero still acts rebellious, question is will he take her serious?

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Take two. If twitter restricted this, that means they can't take how pretty Wolfgang is😭

I believe in Wolfgang Goldenleonard Supremacy. READ KING'S MAKER! ✨✨

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.: "We are asking our supporters around Mother Earth to join us (ILPDC) in a TWITTER BLAST on Leonard's birthday Sept 12. And would like all of you that have Twitter accounts to use the one of the following Hashtags

20 26

reaches S, and it can only be one person. Althought there is a lot of stuff begining with S in it is of course,

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