画質 高画質

just wanted to check Riptide's wiki page and i just wanna say that i love the people running the TF wiki website so much

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completely forgot why i went to the wiki got distracted looking at sprites

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きょうは合宿3にちめ ポケモンかけだしの上司に色違い厳選で余った6Vや5Vラルトスをおしつけた 不定形でV遺伝できる事や 対戦考察wikiや育成論のページとメジャーな型のスカーフ型の作り方と薬と羽が何個必要かをレクチャーし サーナイトがいかに可愛いか知ってもらう為 タブンネ姉さんを勧めておいた

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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

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Clown amnesia Eddie as wikihow image macros

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so a while back i reported a bug to wikia that the image selection algorithm that it uses for article thumbnails is broken, and it's /still/ not working correctly, so here's a handful of my favourite image fuckups on the rejuv wiki

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So you already have a Lloyd? Well, fear not, because if you get another, you'll do twice the damage!**

Summon period: 4pm 25th Sep - 4pm 2nd Oct JST

**Lloyd did the maths on this. The wiki takes no responsibility for inaccuracy as a result.

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Sint-Pietersvliet, Antwerpen, Alphonse Bichebois, Print Room of the University of Antwerp https://t.co/1gZc2SihUl (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Nah ngejiplak/tracing itu apa kak? Ngejiplak disini yang dipermasalahin adalah menimpa gambar orang lain terus kamu gambar lagi
Kayak gini nih contohnya👇sc: wikihow 3 cara menjiplak

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I'm still not over the fact this is a real WikiHow article.


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u and me both, wikihow art is terrifyinh

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Ahora sí lo importante.
La SS, que de SS no tiene nada, The Girl Who Summons the Stars.

Luego de leer esta (de leer el resumen de la wiki porque no hay traducción) haré rewatch a la película

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Q56717118, Militão Augusto de Azevedo, Militão Augusto de Azevedo collection https://t.co/sZ4znRMIdg (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Shading needs to be done, but this is basically Trinka, my new Como FC. Please check the Kirby wiki before you reply.

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