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I had a lot of scrolling to do but Rufus Barma from Pandora Hearts

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I know I need to broaden my portfolio a bit, so if I find some time after Christmas I might do a one shot of my Dark Scifantasy Set-in-a-computer series, The Pandora Configuration

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『キャナル・リルガールのmairryによる関係者2人 PCピンナップクリスマス2021』(mairryIL) https://t.co/J0AuNKfi62

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[ 10/17 ]
Today's the birthday of Rinko Shirokane from Bandori! Happy Birthday!

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『Pandora Party Project』(C)二条/Re:version

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Okay! This week we haaaaaave!!!

Monday - Maple Monday, Fall Guys Edition! 4pm PST

Wednesday - Rafting with PandorasfoxVT! 7pm PST

Saturday - Plants vs Zombies at 4pm PST

I still do not have a schedule graphic, so enjoy this art from Again lol

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Pandora with cat ears and in a bunny suit <33

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Yet another race for the Pandora Collective: the Vodex! They have six sets of arms and need mobility devices due to evolving on a low-gravity homeworld. They breath the Veil (magical ley-lines) instead of oxygen, meaning they can survive almost anywhere.

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Day 15 - Argument
90% of arguments in the house are caused by food
Inktober prompts -
Pandora (c)

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day 17 - with rinko, overly polite

happy rin rin day! here are two pianists in the hanasakigawa student council 💜

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Today’s bandori ship of the day is Mocalisayukiran! (Moca x Lisa x Yukina x Ran!) childhood friends UNITE !!
(submitted by anon! thank you for the submission 💖💖)

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bandoricard didnt post these so i have to

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