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— personagens de haikyuu reagindo a “como você conseguiu tomar a vacina do covid?” ; a thread.

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Fred Flintstone hopes the dastardly covid 19 virus disappears real soon.

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Solo me suelo enfermar 2 o 3 veces al año.
La última vez me enfermé fue de covid a inicios de año.
Estuve mal por 3 días y luego se me pasaron los síntomas, pero más tarde perdí el olfato. Extrañaba el olor del café por la mañana 😭
Afortunadamente no me pego tan fuerte... https://t.co/AUZ7jTx0gg

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Some of my COVIDs as Big Bad Wolf designs

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So i had to close my store for a year because of covid and there was no art booths has well and I over flooded myself because i didn't stop making art lol

so im doing my biggest art sale n selling at very low prices!


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Checkin back after the covid shot 😭🙏

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I used to go to the gym a lot for personal training before covid hit, and since it closed down during the pandemic I haven't had a place to go. I got a skeb to motivate myself to start doing more workouts at home :)

Skeb by @/wkym_18

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So I've got to isolate for a week because I've been in contact with someone with covid even though my tests are negative 😭 it's so hot in the UK so it's going to be a struggle but at least I can catch up with my art debt 😂

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Se fossem países, os Estados que vão receber a partir de hoje a Cepa América estariam entre os piores do mundo em mortes por covid-19 a cada 100 mil habitantes. Todos estão acima da média nacional nesse quesito.

O Mato Grosso, por ex, seria o 2º país do mundo com mais mortes.

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❤ E3 2016 : Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
❤ E3 2017 : Dragon Ball FighterZ
❤ E3 2018 : Dragon Ball FighterZ [Switch]
❤ E3 2019 : Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
💔 E3 2020 : <Covid>
❓ E3 2021 : ?

135 1403

Drops these and runs to my covid appt

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