The demo is up, over at !
Hope it's tons of fun! And, if you find any nasty bugs, please let us know!

10 23

I just love bugs, especially when I think "oh well it should work now I Guess". And then this happens 😂😂

0 2

A surrealist mini-comic about a woman, too many bugs, and a giant baby: "SemiSolid"

2 3

The news in my newsletter: Bedbugs, Picasso, Sigur Rós, good tv and beautiful socks...

2 2

First it's bugs, then its onto catching all sorts of little bugs. Better watch out~

25 72

Ladybugs, they're not just for breakfast anymore!

1 2

Here's a :3 SO MANY BUGS, I love them :3

9 23

BLOG: on bugs, making friends, and getting a children's picture book published.

4 1

W3D2, treasure: Gembugs, collect their valuable abdogems!

0 3 Now you can test the alpha version with a lot of bugs, but we are working on it.

0 0

Still ill, so some more though the last ones I call newts. 2015

14 79

Fixing bugs, adding new fan arts to the gallery. This is going to be restless for the whole week.

3 7

Not a fan of real but I can get down with these by Huang Linghsing.

0 7

Jumping Bugs, the 10th Kingdom, and Dinosaurs!

0 0

Fairies have a wide variety of body types, like plants and bugs, aren't patient at all, and like to steal things.

16 56

Bruno Vergauwen (Belgian) - Bugs, 2014, Digital Arts

10 19