its been ages since i drawn these two gays and i fixed that hell yeahhhhhhhh

cammie belongs to

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Made this art for some guy-- he ended up scamming me out of money, but I still like how it turned out.

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I feel like I’m scamming you guys I keep forgetting to post art

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Camgirl Comic Strip

Cammie is still new to camming, so she has yet to develop her proper spank butt callus. :p

A few people have asked about a strip collection. I may do that when I hit 30 strips. I'm also working on a Day in the Life book with Cammie. More on that soon!

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Meet Cammi my bandori oc, she's French plays guitar and loves crop tops got some old doodles of her 🎸💕
(the 1st one pose is based on honeyworks song canelé)

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Camgirl Comic Strip

I'm sure this is someone's fetish out there. :p The cosplays will be easy enough! haha

The first panel is, I think, my favorite of Cammie so far. I have worked a LOT of retail. Ugh. A nightmare!

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HELLO!! I MADE SOME CUTE HUMANS! ❤️❤️❤️ ( Connie,Cammie and Wren! )

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I'm opening up commissions. My monthly living expenses have went up since I moved and just had to pay a large electric bill portion from the meter not being read in four months and buy a new scanner.

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Illustration by René Gruau, aka Count Renato Zavagli Ricciardelle delle Camminate.

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Se cammini tra le stelle capirai il senso delle nuvole.
Daniele Ribani

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( Extra: Proud Parent Connie listening to Cammie talk about plants )

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"Pensieri di Saggezza"
" per ciò che vedi ad occhi chiusi
o per quello che senti quando resto in silenzio.
Lo stesso farò io camminandoti accanto.
E se sarai con me,
ti insegnerò a volare e tu mi insegnerai a restare."
(Preghiera Indiana )
Natura Morta di Anne Cotterill.

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I decided to draw two of my favorite OCs from the Cuphead fandom making funny faces with Sweet Tea. Aren’t they adorable?? I have a feeling that they all will become the besties in an instant!
Cammie Millie (rustybirdcage)
Sweet Tea (Mine)
Debbie Doll (yellow-py)

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Wow! I requested my 2 favorite foxes. Maybe drinking their own beer from their "time". Maybe scamming each other. Well, to my surprise he did BOTH!

I'm dying how happy this makes me. Personal life is pretty shit lately with broken hand crap so THIS helps . <3


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Just a simple Cammie pic I streamed today for
(plus it's become rare for me to draw her typical look outside of the comic)

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Dance of Light
Cammila (2016) I DID ANOTHER REDESIGN !!!
The fight between Cammila and Francesca on the top floor of the hotel.
Cammila (2016) HICE OTRO REDISEÑO!!!
La pelea entre Cammila y Francesca en último piso del hotel.

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