Fuck copium, we on hopium now

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if this what all she could do with occasional XQ vaporize AND BENNET PLUS ZHONGLI then aint that absolute copium

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drew my pokesona for that sweet copium

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copious amounts of copium

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Advanced Wars Switch port copium post!

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A lot of shit happened today so it's time for me to have Copium™️

5 15

I'm starting to see things blurred so I guess it's time to sleep lol.
Goodnight guys, here is your daily dose of copium

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jesus I can't breathe with all of these copium in the damn air

0 25

The last thing I expected in the year 2021 was for someone to read my unfinished VN and now I'm here sipping copium wanting to continue it so bad like agdasgklda LF>Time https://t.co/03FkLDMSNG

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got a new bttv emote and i love it so mcuh so come spam it as i lose even more dota and cry cmCopium

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i'm running out of copium idk what do

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CM169(YHS): https://t.co/kEzFagFQOC
-Your “friend” from childhood is a MASSIVE pervert!🥸
-Nurse, please test my copium for buckled knees.🥼🚑

1 20

EggyCopium for
This emote makes me so SAD (Ω Д Ω)

5 201

Space rangers 🧑🏽‍🚀 watch out! 👀keep your eyes peeled up in the sky 🌌 Cause you definitely don’t want to miss its landing right now!

We crossed the galaxy 🚀 to showcase you all this extraterrestrial logo for our fundraiser entitled, “Telescopium: Towards the Stars”

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Telescopium: Towards The Stars, a Fundraiser, opens in 3 days! 🥰

Through this project, Kallisto aims to raise funds for our chosen beneficiary, The Center of Art, New Ventures & Sustainable Development (CANVAS) with this, we are able to help donate books for kids. 📚🧒

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Don't worry Seb the copium is coming

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500mg of copium prescribed

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